Member Book Releases

TWPC has a lot of very talented members.  If you are looking for a good read, here's a selection to choose from.

Alyson Walton

It’s so exciting to be publishing my first book. This has been a journey I’ve wanted to partake in for more years than I’d like to remember. It has also been a very steep learning curve for someone technology challenged like myself.  

Find out more: 

Teri Galea-Thorne

Congratulations to Teri Galea-Thorne. Teri was born in Sydney, Australia, but raised in Townsville, North Queensland. She graduated from James Cook University in 1999 with a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in English. Her experiences have granted her a point of view on life she believes most would not know or understand. Writing has always been her muse and solace.

Her books are available at:

David Steel

David J. Steel is a Townsville-based, self-published author of the Destiny trilogy, a children’s fantasy story. The first two books, Destiny’s Dream: a young girl’s coming of age and Destiny’s Journey: the adventure continues, have been published. The third instalment, Destiny Returns: the road home, is a work in progress. 

David's books are available at:

Barbara Strickland

Aside from a very hot mixture of drama and romance, Barbara Strickland writes poetry, is working on a paranormal thriller and is a strong advocate for Australian authors, as her blog, Instagram and Facebook platforms demonstrate. 

Still tutoring and working part-time, she is also an enthusiastic TWPC committee member.

Find out more: 

Where to purchase: 

Crystal Leonardi

Congratulations to Crystal Leonardi. She is an author, publisher (Bowerbird Publishing) & motivational speaker. She offers insights into all things publishing.  Her awards include: 3rd place winner, 2022 Ausmumpreneur Author of the Year

Find out more: 

Laura Kinch

Laura Kinch lives in North Queensland, Australia, where she works as a mechanical engineer with sugar trains. When she isn’t engineering, she uses her problem-solving abilities to construct fictional worlds and technology, and haul her characters out of the messes she creates for them. 

Available at Amazon


For more information about Laura:

IG profile - @authorlaurakinch

Rachel Armstrong

Rachel’s releases continue to grow. Her books are about love (not without some drama) and always with a happy ever after. She loves living in Townsville where she promotes a healthy lifestyle whilst rehabilitating hearts as an exercise physiologist. When she is not writing or spending time with her border collie, Jacob, Rachel facilitates TWPC's Popular Fiction Writing Group.

You can check out her book here:

Benjamin J Ryan

Ben is a born Townsville local and loves books about magic, heroes, and the supernatural. He's an enthusiastic member of the TWPC and released the first book in his fantasy series last year! 

Congratulations, Ben!

Find out more: 

Frances Dall'Alba

Congratulations Frances! We love to see our member's successes. As a contemporary romance author, Frances loves nothing more than losing herself in a good romance. She's all about helping you forget the housework, or the bus to work you're going to miss, if you don't put the book down now! 

Find out more: 

Barbara Strickland

Aside from a very hot mixture of drama and romance, Barbara Strickland writes poetry, is working on a paranormal thriller and is a strong advocate for Australian authors, as her blog, Instagram and Facebook platforms demonstrate. 

Still tutoring and working part-time, she is also an enthusiastic TWPC committee member.

Find out more: 

Graeme Buckley

Born in Cairns, Graeme is a local author and visual artist who has lived in Townsville for 35 years. He has three books published on Amazon and one on Smashwords. 

To find out more about Graeme visit:

Jill Staunton

Jill Staunton grew up on a cattle property and has lived in the Outback she writes about. Jill attributes her love of storytelling to her grandmother and mother. 

She has won two short story awards and had two novels published by Boolarong Press – Reiver’s Moon and All That He Is.

Follow Jill on Facebook: