Writing Groups

Meets 7pm - 9pm

The second and fourth Wednesday of every month 

At Aitkenvale Library Meeting Room

4 Petunia St, Aitkenvale 4812

TWPC All Genre Writers Group

If you want to connect to other writers, share your work, ask for constructive feedback, share, or learn new writing tips come along. Our meetings normally include a short workshop on a variety of  how-to-write topics.

The All Genre Writers Group is co-facilitated by Anita Berry and Rebecca Cole.

 Meets 6.30pm - 8pm 

Every fourth Thursday of the month

At Aitkenvale Library Meeting Room

Contemporary Fiction Group

Contemporary  Fiction will explore the process of writing and will include lots of diverse activities to improve skills. The agenda will be flexible and will welcome member input. 

Contemporary Fiction is facilitated by Barbara Strickland

 Meets 7pm - 9pm 

Every fourth Tuesday of the month

At Aitkenvale Library Meeting Room 

Kids Lit

Do you write or illustrate books for children or young adults? Then this meeting is for you! 

Townsville has a lot of hidden children’s writers and Kids Lit encourages any children's writers of all levels to get together and share their experiences and learn from each other. Some members are published writers, some are writing stories for their grandchildren, some want to be published some are happy not to go down that track.

Each meeting has a specific topic that applies to children's books, but also to writers of other genres.

Kids Lit is facilitated by Linda Wright.

Meets 7pm - 9pm

The second Tuesday of every month 

At Aitkenvale Library Meeting Room

Speculative Fiction

We cater for a wide range of genres; from fantasy to science fiction, horror and dystopian, and many more sub genres. If you write in any of these genres, we welcome you. As a group we write short works and publish them in annual anthologies while supporting the solo projects of members regardless of skill level. Our creed is to be supportive, but constructive.​​

Speculative Fiction is currently facilitated by Lynn Scott-Cumming.

Meets anytime, anywhere. Looking for me, look for the pink pig

'Pink Pig Pop Up' Event

It's the latest idea to hit Townville. It’s not a class. It’s informal. Write, sit, draw, walk — whatever. You won’t get much warning that it’s on — maybe less than an hour. Missed out! Better luck next time. 

If you want to have your name on a ‘text me’ list, text me on 0429115591 with your name and ‘pink pig’.

Facilitator: Lynn Scott-Cumming.